The Cyberdelic Podcast
Augmenting reality is an innately human desire to share our ideas and perceptions to feel connected.
Welcome to The Cyberdelic Podcast, where startup CEO Nils Pihl and co-founder & anthropologist Damir First explore how memetics and cultural transhumanism influence our (digital) reality. If you want to understand how ideas shape culture, technology, and the metaverse, you are in the right space.
The goal of The Cyberdelic Podcast is to bring into our collective consciousness the idea that we should be mindful of the ideas and memes that we propagate. Culture is crowdsourced! We wish to provide the framework and tools to empower cultural authorship.
Will future kingdoms of imagination be owned by companies who surveil and monetize our thoughts and actions or be privacy-preserving, deeply humane, and artistic spaces that our digital identity can call home?
The Cyberdelic Podcast
Augmenting Reality - Humanity's Oldest Technological Project
Building on the first episode of The Cyberdelic Podcast, this is a continued conversation about storytelling, the primal drive to augment our reality with meaning, and how it all connects with the coming Metaverse. E
xplore how we can prevent a dystopian future by embracing cultural transhumanism while harnessing the immense opportunities that augmented reality offers.
Oh, and we'll also discuss dolphins.
If you're into cyberdelics or want to know more about spatial computing, we're building the future of precise positioning.